Get My Interview Flashcards To Create Stories That Land You Offers

No idea what questions you'll get asked in an interview? Need a step-by-step template to help you create your interview stories?

Inspired by the Google Guide to Interviews, I help you answer the top 15 interview questions without second-guessing yourself, so you can convert interviews into offers.

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    Nada Buhendi

    Master Career Coach

    What You Will Learn?

    1. The Perfect Structure of A Story
    2. 9 story ideas
    3. How to answer "Tell Me About Yourself", "Tell Me About Your Experience", "Greatest Strength", "Greatest Weakness", and "Why Work For Us"

    Client Love

    • "Game changer. Not only did these flashcards help with interviews but also brainstorming my resume achievements"
    • "Perfect when you have 10+ years of experience and forgot what you did"